
Stacie Hall
Stacie Hall

How are you?

Carl Jenkins
Carl Jenkins

Can we reschedule?

Bertha Martin
Bertha Martin

Great job!

John Doe Freelance Invitation: Join us for the annual company picnic at Central Park this Saturday. We'll have games, food, and fun for everyone! Apr 10
Jane Smith, me (2) Regarding your inquiry about the upcoming project deadline – We're working diligently to meet the timeline. I'll provide you with a progress update by tomorrow. Apr 9
Michael Rodriguez Friends Weekend getaway plans – Hey, I've booked a cabin in the mountains for next weekend. Are you in? Apr 8
Sophia Williams New job offer – Congratulations! You've been selected for the position at our company. Please confirm your acceptance by the end of the week. Apr 7
William Martinez, me (3) Reminder: Team meeting tomorrow at 10:00 AM sharp. Don't forget to bring your progress reports. Apr 6
Stacie Hall Exciting news! Our company's quarterly earnings have exceeded expectations. Celebratory dinner tonight at 7:00 PM. Apr 5
James Brown Support Need your input – Could you review the latest draft of the marketing campaign and provide feedback by EOD? Apr 4
Ava Jones Family Travel update – Flight to Paris confirmed for next Monday. Can't wait to explore the city of lights! Apr 3
Benjamin Taylor Important: Don't forget to submit your timesheets for the current pay period by Friday. Apr 2
Emma Garcia Social Congratulations on your promotion! Your hard work and dedication have paid off. Let's celebrate this milestone over lunch tomorrow. Apr 1
Alex Johnson Emergency meeting called – Please join the Zoom call ASAP to address the unexpected issue with the server. Mar 31
Sarah Lee Family reunion this weekend – Looking forward to seeing everyone at Grandma's house on Sunday. Mar 30
Marketing Team, me (3) Freelance Reminder: Annual performance reviews scheduled for next week. Prepare your self-assessment and goals beforehand. Mar 29
Jane Smith Regarding the budget proposal – I've reviewed your suggestions and have some ideas to discuss. Let's meet tomorrow to brainstorm. Mar 28
John Doe, me (5) Support Good news – The client loved our presentation! Let's keep up the great work. Mar 27
Alex Johnson Apologies for the confusion earlier – I've sorted out the scheduling conflict, and our meeting is now confirmed for Thursday at 2:00 PM. Mar 26
Sarah Lee Update on project timeline – We're slightly behind schedule but working to catch up. Will keep you posted on our progress. Mar 25
Marketing Team Freelance Birthday celebration – Join us for cake and drinks tonight at the office to celebrate Sarah's birthday! Mar 24